
Do's and Don'ts for First-Time Home Buyers

Do's and Don'ts for First-Time Home Buyers

Jul 28, 2020

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Do's and Don'ts for First-Time Home Buyers

Buying your first home is an exciting - albeit daunting - experience. There is a lot to do, review, sign, and pay for, which is why it helps to understand the process as best you can. To make your first buying experience easier and enjoyable, there are a few things you should know. Along with buying homeowners insurance in Antioch, CA and understanding key terms, here are some tips to help you purchase your first property.


What to Do and Not Do As a First-Time Home Buyer


Do understand key terms. Real estate conversations are loaded with jargon. The professionals you work with may talk about APR (annual percentage rate), closing costs, and term lengths. Be sure you understand all of these key phrases so that you understand your mortgage, property, and paperwork better. Don't be afraid to ask questions for clarity - these people are professionals who want to make sure you understand everything.


Don't get too attached before working your budget. It's best to understand how much home you can afford before you start viewing properties. If you start viewing houses that are far outside of your price bracket, you may face disappointment and heartache when you have to settle for something less.


Do be prepared to walk away. If you put an offer down on a house and then find out something that is a deal-breaker, such as a compromised foundation, don't be afraid to walk away.


Don't forget to protect it. As a new homeowner, you will need to secure homeowners insurance once you own the property. Coverage helps to protect the structure of the house, all of your belongings, and provides liability coverage if someone is injured while visiting you. Work with a qualified home insurance agent to ensure you receive the right coverage for your new investment.


When you're ready to secure a quality homeowners insurance policy, talk to the friendly experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We serve Antioch, Brentwood, and surrounding cities in California. Contact us today to get started!


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