
Don't Get spooked With These Halloween Safety Tips

Don't Get spooked With These Halloween Safety Tips

Oct 24, 2014

Articles Archives

Don't Get spooked With These Halloween Safety Tips

halloweenHalloween is just a week away, which means it is time to get your house and costume ready for all the Halloween parties. It is also the perfect time to make sure you know how to stay safe while celebrating the holiday. Keep these simple Halloween safety tips in mind to ensure that you stay safe this holiday season.

  • When choosing the right costume, make sure to choose one that is vibrantly colored to make you more visible at night. Also make sure it fits properly to avoid tripping and falling while trick or treating.
  • Instead of wearing a mask, use face paint to complete the look of your costume, since masks can obstruct your view. Make sure to test the face paint on a small area of skin to ensure that you do not have any allergic reactions.
  • Do not allow small children to carve their own pumpkin since they can easily hurt themselves. Have them draw a face on the pumpkin and then you can carve it out yourself, or let them get creative with paint, stickers, or glitter.
  • Have your children carry a flashlight or wear a glow necklace when they are trick or treating to make them more visible to passing drivers and to help them see better at night.
  • Before heading out to go trick or treating, make sure to plan out your route. Choose a route through neighborhoods that you are familiar with and that have sidewalks.
  • Do not place any decorations in the walkway of your house so that children do not trip and fall when they come up to your door. Also, make sure to move any other obstructions, such as toys or hoses.

Jack Stone Insurance Agency would like to wish you and your family a Happy Halloween!


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