
Commonly Stolen Home Possessions

Commonly Stolen Home Possessions

Feb 08, 2018

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Commonly Stolen Home Possessions

Items Most Wanted by Thieves

Thieves look to steal property they believe can be removed and easily sold on, especially if they cannot be traced back to the scene of the time. While you may lock the doors at night and hide belongings out of sight, it's important to know how you can safeguard the most wanted items by thieves. While homeowners insurance in Antioch, CA will help to replace your belongings after a burglary, you can prevent your items falling into the wrong hands in the first place.

Portable computing devices and smartphones

Due to their popularity, laptop, tablet, and smartphone theft nowadays is a significant risk. They are compact, easy to slip into a bag, and can be sold on at a reasonable price. There are several methods to protect your hardware, such as alarms, laptop locks, and visual deterrents. The best way to prevent thieves from getting their hands on these belongings is to store them out of sight. Get into a habit of storing your laptops, tablets, and phones in a location that isn't obvious (i.e., in a laptop bag in the home office). Be sure that all devices have a passcode, too.

Cash and jewelry

A simple tip is commonly forgotten: Do not leave money or jewelry lying around the house. Make sure you keep valuable items out of sight and in a safe place. If you don't regularly wear precious jewelry, consider storing it in a safety deposit box at the bank. Be sure to take pictures of your jewelry and get it regularly appraised so that your homeowners insurance can cover its entirety.


Mainly because they are left outside and unattended, bikes are commonly stolen. This issue is perhaps worsened due to the increasing popularity of expensive models. Be sure that you store your bike inside and invest in a quality lock. Register your bicycle frame number along with any pictures of it on your home inventory, too.

Have you yet to make a home inventory list? Here's why it's so important!

Contact the expert team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to secure the right insurance policies you need for all of your valuable personal property! Serving Antioch, Brentwood, and neighboring cities in California, visit us today.

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