
Common Enhanced Safety Upgrades For Classic Cars

Common Enhanced Safety Upgrades For Classic Cars

Mar 25, 2022


Common Enhanced Safety Upgrades For Classic Cars

Classic cars are unique and valuable assets, and they are popular attractions, as evidenced by the thousands of car shows and exhibitions that occur every year. Because of their value, classic cars are popular targets for thieves. In order to protect your classic car, here are some key safety upgrades for classic cars.

Perhaps you are a fan of classic cars, but you are thinking about purchasing one. Before purchasing a classic car, it's recommended that you do some research. There's a high probability that the vehicle may be unsafe by modern standards. You would be taking a huge risk in purchasing a vehicle that is considered unsafe. In extreme cases, your classic car may suffer thousands of dollars' worth of damages. To prevent this, consider these important safety upgrades for classic cars.

  • Brakes

    The majority of classic cars do not have anti-lock brakes. Anti-lock brakes are a common safety feature in modern vehicles because they will allow you to maintain steering even if you slam on the brakes. Anti-lock brakes also prevent possible skids when emergency braking is necessary on wet surfaces. Classic cars also lack modern disc brakes. You can upgrade the brakes on your classic car by purchasing a kit that will convert drum brakes to modern disc brakes. The brakes will enhance the front wheels, which deal with a lot of stress when you use the brake pedal and transfer the car's weight. Analysts also recommend installing stainless steel hoses or a brake master cylinder. You can add a dual master cylinder if you have a newer model.

  • Safety Belts

    Car analysts recommend installing safety belts if your classic car doesn't include them. Lap-shoulder belts are considered a highly efficient safety feature. Classic cars that lack safety belts could lose points at car shows and exhibits. Lap-shoulder belts are versatile enough to fit older vehicles. For maximum protection, it's recommended that you have them professionally installed. Read over your owner's manual or consult with an official sports car organization to learn more about where to install the belts.

  • Headlights

    Many classic cars are equipped with sealed beams that don't produce as much light as halogen headlights or other high-end lights. Replacement headlight kits are available so that you can swap out the lights in a safe manner without altering their appearance.

  • Steering System

    The steering systems on most classic cars are less powerful than modern vehicles and lack assist capabilities. Many classic car collectors enjoy having a large steering wheel that provides some advantages over non assisted steering. Smaller steering wheels give up leverage and make it difficult to make turns at low speeds. Another option is completely overhauling the system and installing a modernized rack and pinion power steering system. Today's power steering systems provide drivers with more control and reduce some of the strain associated with steering the vehicle.

  • Tires

    The tires on classic cars often lack the versatility of modern ones. It may be difficult for you to stop, steer, gain traction, and turn around corners. It may also be difficult for you to manage mileage. The modern radial tires have been around for almost 50 years now, with new enhancements throughout the years. If you would like to maintain the classic feel of your vehicle while adding enhanced tires, you can order some of the original radials from the 1970s. However, the Specialty Equipment Market Association notes that radials may cause older wheels to crack in some cases because the tires put different types of strain on the wheels compared to classic bias-ply tires. You may need to install new wheels as well.

  • Cameras

    Many classic car drivers do not like cameras. However, research shows that cameras can help prevent numerous accidents that occur every year due to drivers failing to look before backing up. New federal legislation has been implemented, requiring new vehicles to install backup cameras. There are multiple options for installing a camera in your classic vehicle. You can add it to your license plate frame, install it to your navigation unit, or add multiple cameras and view screens throughout your vehicle.

Consult With Jack Stone Insurance Agency

Installing the latest safety upgrades for classic cars can help you protect your assets. If you have any questions about insuring your classic car, contact the team here at Jack Stone Insurance Agency, and we will assist you.

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