
It's Sneezing Season: Cold and Flu Home Remedies

It's Sneezing Season: Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Jan 11, 2017

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It's Sneezing Season: Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Use these cold and flu home remedies to fight viruses and bugs this season.

From November until around the end of January, offices, schools, supermarkets, and more are crawling with people who have colds and flu. It's the time of year when everyone is sneezing, sniffling, coughing, and running a fever. Ideally, it's best not to get ill by taking precautions. However, even the best of us come down with seasonal colds. When you do, use these cold and flu home remedies to aid recovery, boost your immune system, and feel better in no time.

Sip on hot ginger tea - While you should be sipping on water or tea more often when you're ill, hot ginger tea is one of the best that you can pick up. The gingerol in the ginger helps to relieve congestion, reduces inflammation, and hydrates you when you need it most.

Add garlic - Garlic is a natural antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial. To reap all of the garlic's benefits, mince 1-2 cloves into a small glass of water. Drink it quickly once a day until you feel better.

Take a steamy shower - Steamy showers help to moisturize your nasal passages and aid in relaxation. Not only will you be feeling clean and relaxed after a shower, but your nose and airways should be feeling better, too.

Ditch dairy - Remove dairy products from your diet as it can cause inflammation and increase congestion. This food suppresses immune function and slows the body's healing ability.

Eat raw - Avoid starchy foods, sugars, and white foods. Aim to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables instead.

Use a nose salve - Add a small dab of mentholated salve under your nose to open breathing passages and restore the irritated skin at the base of your nose.

Rest up - Take time to sleep, rest, and recover. This will ultimately help your body to heal.

The professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency wish you a speedy recovery with the help of these cold and flu home remedies. For all of your insurance needs in Antioch, Brentwood, and neighboring cities in California, visit our expert team today!

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