
Car Insurance Coverage to Help You Survive the Winter

Car Insurance Coverage to Help You Survive the Winter

Nov 07, 2017

Articles Archives

Car Insurance Coverage to Help You Survive the Winter

Stay safe on the winter roads with the right Antioch auto insurance.  

We all know that winter driving can be dangerous, from the poor visibility to the low winter sun to wet, slick roads. Almost a quarter of all traffic accidents are weather-related, according to the Federal Highway Administration. In addition, not having the right car insurance coverage can also be dangerous. Not having the proper cover could cost you more than you ever expected.

Check that your Antioch auto insurance has these ideal winter coverages.

Emergency roadside assistance

The winter months can be a busy season for tow trucks since rain and ice can make it easy for cars to slide off the road. What's more, cold temperatures can wreak havoc on a vehicle's battery. Ensure that you aren't stranded this season by ensuring that your auto insurance coverage has emergency roadside assistance. This cover can help you with battery issues, tire changes, and getting locked out of your car!

Rental car coverage

Winter driving can be hard on your car. When it's in the shop, it's important to have reliable access to a vehicle last minute. Rental car coverage means that you don't have to face the expense of a rental car alone - especially during the festive season when your wallet is already spent!

Gap insurance

Though you never know when you could be in an accident, gap insurance could be a financial lifesaver. This coverage works to take care of the difference between what you owe on your car and what your car's worth of the time of an accident. In essence, you're not left footing the expense on your own!

It's important to have a comprehensive policy that includes the right coverages, limits, and deductible right for you and your family. For the auto insurance to protect you while you're cruising winter roads, visit Jack Stone Insurance Agency, serving Brentwood, Antioch, and surrounding metropolitan areas of California.

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