
Dangerous Driving Can Affect Your Auto Insurance in Antioch, CA

Dangerous Driving Can Affect Your Auto Insurance in Antioch, CA

Jul 08, 2016

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Dangerous Driving Can Affect Your Auto Insurance in Antioch, CA

Staying focused on the road can safeguard your auto insurance in Antioch, CA.

Every motorist knows not to text and drive; distracted driving includes everything from responding to a text, answering a call, or daydreaming about your summer vacation. All of this can severely affect your auto insurance in Antioch, CA.

The number of accidents caused by distracted driving are steadily increasing with technology constantly surrounding us. After all, a smart watch is on our hand, which is on the wheel. Texts and technology have never been closer to us. However useful this is for getting around and avoiding traffic, getting into accidents that result from your negligence on the road can impact your car insurance rates - by increasing them!

To prevent yourself from getting into unnecessary accidents on the road, read on for the top tips!

  • Switch off your phone - Put your phone well out of reach or turn it off completely. This way, you'll be less tempted to respond to that text, answer that call, or check Facebook.
  • Get organized - Map out your route, make that all-important call, or apply your lipstick before you start the engine. Once you've gotten these tasks out of the way, you won't be inclined to become distracted while driving.
  • Make driving time, peaceful time -  Leave out the important conversations and turn off the radio - it's time to make your trip peaceful and calm. Use this time to clear your thoughts and concentrate on one task.
  • Review your auto insurance - Staying safe on the roads is imperative for protecting your vehicle, finances, and future.

Implement these tips to reduce your risk of getting into a severe or serious accident and suffering from an auto insurance increase in Antioch, CA.

Now that you're on the road to success with safe driving skills, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency, serving Antioch and neighboring cities in California with reliable car coverage!

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