
6 Ways To Save Money and Stay Warm This Winter

6 Ways To Save Money and Stay Warm This Winter

Feb 04, 2015

Articles Archives

6 Ways To Save Money and Stay Warm This Winter

House in hands of a manMoney Saving Heating Tips

As February kicks off, the chilly winter weather is still hanging around. While turning up your thermostat is the easiest way to keep your home warm, it can also lead to an empty wallet. Keep these heating tips in mind to help stay warm this winter while saving money.

  1. Enjoy the sun - while the sun is shining during the day, open your blinds and shades to allow the sun to naturally heat your home. Make sure to close the blinds when the sun goes down to prevent cold drafts from getting into your home.
  2. Cover your windows - use clear, heavy-duty plastic to cover any drafty windows. Make sure the plastic fits tightly over the windows to keep the cold air out.
  3. Use your thermostat wisely - while you are at home, set your thermostat to the lowest temperature that you are still comfortable with. When you are out of the house or sleeping, turn the heat down by 10 degrees to save up to 10 percent on your energy bill.
  4. Seal it up - check the weather stripping and caulking around all of your doors and windows. If it is damaged or missing, re-caulk the area or install new weather stripping to keep the warm air in and the cold air out.
  5. Check your heating system - hire a professional to check your furnace and do any needed maintenance. A properly working furnace will heat your home more efficiently.
  6. Look at your fireplace - if you have a fireplace in your home, make sure the damper is closed while you are not using it. An open damper can act just like an open window, letting cold, outside air into your home.

For all of your homeowners insurance coverage needs and to ensure that your home is protected from the cold weather, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency Inc. in Antioch, California.

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