
The Importance of Renter's Insurance

The Importance of Renter's Insurance

Feb 24, 2015

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The Importance of Renter's Insurance

House in hands of businessmanRenter's Insurance 101

Renting a home is a great way to have a space of your own, even if you cannot afford to buy a house. However, just like owning a home, renting a home comes with a lot of responsibility, including keeping your home and assets protected from any unfortunate situation. Investing in the right renter's insurance policy can help to ensure that you stay safe from any peril.

While your landlord will have insurance for your home, it will only provide protection for the actual structure of your home. It will not provide any coverage for your personal assets that you keep in your home. A renter's insurance policy will provide coverage for all of your personal property that you keep in your home and also liability coverage in case someone is injured when visiting.

While you may think that you do not have anything that needs protecting, consider your flat screen TV, laptop or game consul. If they were destroyed or stolen, your renter's insurance policy would provide coverage to repair or replace them. If you do not have a renter's insurance policy, you would be left covering the cost to replace the items out of your own pocket.

While you may be thinking of skipping out on renter's insurance to help save some money, it could end up costing you in the long run. Renter's insurance policies tend to only cost around $20 a month, and will provide enough coverage to ensure that you will not be financially devastated in case of a disaster at your home.

For all of your renter's insurance coverage needs, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency, Inc. in Antioch, California. As an independent insurance agency, we will work with you to ensure that you have the right amount of protection, all at the right price.

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