
What You Need to Know For American Diabetes Month

What You Need to Know For American Diabetes Month

Nov 02, 2016

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What You Need to Know For American Diabetes Month

American Diabetes MonthNovember is American Diabetes Month. How are you getting involved?

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death across the United States. It can cause blindness, nerve damage, kidney disease, and other health problems if not controlled. Every 17 seconds, an American is diagnosed with diabetes. With almost 26 million currently living with the condition in this country, American Diabetes Month takes a stand to raise awareness for this life-changing disease.

With obesity and poor eating habits comes an increase in diabetes. It is most dangerous when undiagnosed and untreated, and with an estimated 79 million at risk for diabetes, the need to educate the nation about this œsilent killer is more critical than ever.

Type 1 diabetes means that the body is failing to produce insulin. Five to ten percent of diabetes patient have this type, and it is usually diagnosed during childhood.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common and occurs when insulin is being produced, but the body isn't using it naturally.

Diabetes prevention is as basic as eating a healthy diet and becoming more physically active. Remember that it's never too late to start! Here are some ways to get started:

  • Get more physical activity
  • Get plenty of fiber
  • Opt for whole grains
  • Lose extra weight
  • Reduce your consumption of meat, dairy, and processed foods.
  • Aim to eat wholesome foods complete with fruits and vegetables.

We can use this month to raise awareness about diabetes risks factors and encourage people to make healthy changes! Get involved by:

  • Tweeting about American Diabetes Month
  • Hosting a community event where families can be active while learning about local health resources.
  • Joining the American Diabetes Association in celebrating American Diabetes Month!

Most people equate November with Thanksgiving - and that usually means spending time with loved ones over a feast of food. If you or a loved ones has diabetes or is at a high risk for the disease, this should be a reminder to eat slowly, don't pile up on the pumpkin pie, and get some exercise in over the long weekend.

So that you can focus on getting your health in check, allow the professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency take care of your insurance policies. Visit us in Brentwood, California to get started today!

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