
3 Ways to Connect with Your Family by Unplugging

3 Ways to Connect with Your Family by Unplugging

May 26, 2020

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3 Ways to Connect with Your Family by Unplugging

Better Ways to Involve Your Family by Putting Down the Tech


Technology plays a large role in society. While we all stayed connected with each other through FaceTime and Zoom video calls, technology can often hinder our connections. Instead of face-to-face time with our household family, we are opting to pick up our phones instead. To help you better connect as a family, start by unplugging.


Pay attention when you're walking. When you're out on a family walk, put away the cameras and phones. Not only does this help you all to stay safe and spot hazards in your path, but it encourages you to communicate with one another. Get the whole family involved by talking about what you see or spotting wildlife.


Avoid using your phone while driving. If you, as a parent, use your phone while behind the wheel, it's likely that your children will grow up to do the same. Studies have shown that your reaction times are significantly reduced when you're using your phone. Pair that with driving in traffic or at high speeds and you have a recipe for a disaster. Make sure you put away your phone when you get into the driver's seat.


Step away from the TV. For many families, they unwind in front of the TV. However, now might be the time to try something different. Get out a board game or ask about each other's days. Stepping away from the TV for a couple of nights a week can help you to bond and grow stronger as a family.


Let us know how you're connecting with your family by unplugging! For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, contact the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency.

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