
3 Bad Car Habits You Should Break This Winter

3 Bad Car Habits You Should Break This Winter

Dec 12, 2019

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3 Bad Car Habits You Should Break This Winter

Winter Driving Habits to Break

Winter weather means cooler temperatures and more adverse driving conditions. If you think you drove your vehicle off the lot ready for winter, you may be wrong. Small things and overlooked issues can cause you a headache down the line, especially in the winter when your car has to work harder to get going. Take a look at these bad habits to avoid this winter so you have a safe journey on the roads.

Warming up the car for too long

When it's cold outside, it's natural to want to leave your car running for a few minutes to warm up the interior and the engine. While this is fine to do for a few minutes, idling your car for too long causes build-up on the spark plugs, rendering them less efficient. This may be bad news for your wallet, too, as it wastes gas.

Driving on empty

You're busy and going to the gas station is yet another errand you don't have time for. Driving with your on - or close to - empty can hurt your fuel pump and leave you in a bad situation on winter roads. If the gas level gets too low, moisture could freeze and crystallize, causing damage to your car's gas line. Having a full-ish tank means less moisture-related damage.

Not washing your car

If you're regularly transporting pets and children, you may never have a clean and sparkling car. Keep in mind, though, that it's important to keep the exterior of your car clean as much as possible in winter. The build-up of grime on your vehicle could oxidize, ruin the paint, and create rust. Get rid of the salt, frost, and other debris from your car before it causes some real damage.

Don't give in to these bad habits this winter! Make sure you have the auto insurance that protects you throughout the winter weather and beyond. To find the right coverage, call the experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We serve Brentwood, Antioch, and neighboring cities in California with reliable and comprehensive auto insurance policies. Open our auto insurance page in a new tab to read on!

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