
Supporting Shepherd's Gate in Brentwood, CA

Supporting Shepherd's Gate in Brentwood, CA

Feb 29, 2016

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Supporting Shepherd's Gate in Brentwood, CA

Aiding the homeless population in the local community.

Shepherd's Gate in Brentwood, CA

As a local insurance company, Jack Stone Insurance Agency looks to aid the local community in any way that we can. We support Shepherd's Gate, the Christ-centered services, dedicated to helping women and children from the destructive cycles of homelessness, addiction, and abuse.

Shepherd's Gate isn't just a shelter, it's a safe haven for all those in need. The campus in Brentwood provides long-term and comprehensive care to some of California's most vulnerable people. Not only do they provide a hot meal and a bed for the night, but understand that to truly break free, it takes love, time, and practical support.

Shepherd's Gate provides education, counseling, case management, medical care, recovery programs, job training, parenting classes, childcare, and much more to get the women and children back on their feet.

If you'd like to get involved, whether through volunteering or donating, visit Shepherd's Gate for more information.

For a Brentwood-local insurance agency, visit Jack Stone Insurance Agency for all of your insurance needs!

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